ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for Order Cancellation
Same Day Delivery : In case your order is “same day delivery” then order can be cancelled within 30 minutes of order confirmation. After 30 minutes a cancellation request can be generated from the customer's end, but the approval of the cancellation request depends upon Lebaas Couture’s policy regarding brand/vendor/seller/distributor, shipment company delivery timelines and the nature of the item shipped.
Unpaid COD Order : If it's an unpaid COD order and the customer asks for the cancellation of the order, the order will be cancelled without any questions asked before the order has been shipped out of the Lebaas Couture warehouse.
Paid orders : can be cancelled for any reason, if reported within 48 hours of the order confirmation.
Paid Ready to ship : If cancellation is requested within 48 hours of order confirmation then the complete amount will be refunded without any question.
Paid Made to order : If cancellation is requested for paid made-to-order after 48 hours of order confirmation, Lebaas Couture holds the right to charge 25% of the order value as cost of labor, production and resources payable to partner brands. If you wish to file for cancellation of your order, once the order has completed the production phase or is in the final phases of production and/or is received in our warehouse, Lebaas Couture will deduct 50% of your paid amount as cost of production, labor, and resources.
Order Delay by Brand : In the event of delay in delivery from the designers end and the customer has been pre-informed of the delay by the Lebaas Couture team either through sms, email or Lebaas Couture’s /designer’s social media channels then the customer has the option to inform and get their order cancelled within 24-48 hours time frame.
Lebaas Couture holds the right to charge cancellation fees if cancellations are reported after 48 hours.
- In case you want to cancel your Customized/made-to-order outfit out of serious and genuine circumstances after this time period since your purchase then Lebaas Couture holds the right to deduct 25% of total purchase as a fee for cost of production, labor, and machinery paid to designer and partner brands.
- Lebaas Couture holds the right to charge 10-15% fee of the total amount of the article in case ‘change of mind’ is given as reason for cancellation for a made to order outfit.
- In case bank deposit is chosen as an option for payment, then the customer needs to clear the pending balance amount within 7 business days or else their order will be automatically cancelled.
- Once the order is “Received at Lebaas Couture Warehouse” and 50% of the amount is paid by the customer against their order, Lebaas Couture will call the customer and notify them to clear their balance payment within 72 hours of time. If a customer fails to pay the balance amount within the above given time frame, Lebaas Couture has the right to hold his inventory for a particular time. After that Lebaas Couture holds the right to cancel the order and ship it back to the brand.
- Product pictures in case of made to order products are only shared with the customer for quality assurance purposes and Lebaas Couture will only cater to alterations requested by the customer at this point. The customer can’t cancel the order at this point or ask for a refund or replacement since this is a custom made product and is already made and delivered to us from the brand against your order number.
- Lebaas Couture always notify customers via email in case there is a change in delivery date from the brand's/designer’s/vendor’s end. Lebaas Couture holds no responsibility with production capacity/speed of brand’s/designer’s/vendor’s, therefore once email is sent as notification to client, request for cancellation can be requested within 48 hours of email notification receiving or through any of our social media channels.